

Why do parrots copy sounds?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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13y ago

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This is a popular movie gag that someone will say something and a parrot will repeat it. However, it's not guaranteed a parrot will repeat something after you. An African Grey is most likely to do this the first or second time it hears something, as long as it is said with great enthusiasm. Great Enthusiasm, you say? Why would you need great enthusiasm? Well, see here, parrots LOVE attention. They adore it. They live for it. So when you say something with great happiness or enthusiasm a couple of times or so, the parrot will start to think, Hey, whatever this person is saying is of great importance. If I could somehow get that kind of attention... Eventually the parrot may or may not leanr to say it, depending on the bird itself, and it will obliviously get attention for it, as talking is one of the charms of parrots and people love it.
Parrots can also be taught to speak on cue or speak with clear understanding of the word. Not simply mind-less repetition, but knowing that a grape is a grape and that green is green. They know what the word means and can use it properly.

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10y ago

Parrots are only copying what they hear; they are not intelligently speaking. Imagine if you heard the phrase: Kubawana si eloney*. You could repeat it perfectly again and again, but it does not mean that you would be able to figure out other words in the language or understand what you are saying. The parrot is in the same position.

*This phrase means absolutely nothing, but it is used to illustrate the point.

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Parrots learn their language from the other birds in their flock. You become their flock mate so they imitate you so that you can recognize them.

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13y ago

becase that is what parrots do. that question is like saying why do cows say moo. no=one knows but god. ask him:)

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11y ago

I font know :)

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only some but a large variety

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This helps them better associate sounds with certain things like food. Perhaps a group of monkeys finds a fruit tree. They make noise to keep other monkeys away. Parrot hears monkey noise, copies it, learns it, and now knows that when he hears that noise, he has found a food source. Parrots also copy their parents to learn communication.

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the bird that likes mimicking is called the mockingbird

Why do parrots speak?

To attract mates and show off. Quite simply, parrots are social creatures, and imitating sounds, including spoken words, is their way of communicating. Parrots are more likely to imitate speech if they have no other birds of their own type around.

Does a boy parrot talk?

Yes, just as female parrots do. They really do not talk as we do, they repeat what sounds they have heard.

What does mimcry mean?

mimicry is when something looks or sounds like something else some birds can mimic human sounds (like parrots) some animals can mimic other animals' sounds

What are the example of things that produces sounds?

Noisy animals such as frogs, howler monkeys, parrots, dogs, ect. You get the point

How are parrots able to do mimicry?

Parrots don't have vocal cords, so the manipulation of the trachea is how they mimic all sounds. They have the ability to change the depth and shape of the trachea to produce a very wide range of sounds. Many types of parrots also test very high on problem solving ability and intelligence, so they can not only mimic, but use words correctly in context, count, and even invent.