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The penguin chick's feathers can't keep it warm on its own, so the penguin uses their parents as a resource.

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Q: Why do penguins stay on their fathers' feet?
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Related questions

How are the babies penguins protected?

they walk on top of their mother and fathers feet. That way the parents protect them.

How long do Emperor Penguins carry their young?

a. some penguins have a pouch and the young stay in there as they travel b. They are carried between the adult penguins' feet

Can penguins stay under water for ten minutes?

Yes, penguins can stay underwater for ten minutes. They have been known to stay underwater for up to thirty minutes at a time, up to depths of 1300 feet.

Do penguins leave their babies when they are young?

with the fathers

Are father penguins good parents?

Fathers look after the egg while the mothers go fishing for their babies so in conclusion, penguins are good fathers.

Can you have info on penguins feet?

you can find info about penguins feet

Why must the penguin chick stay on his fathers feet after being hatched?

because it is SO cold in the north.

Which habitat does a penguin live in?

the artic penguins have thick fathers to

Do penguins fish alone?

the mums go together, then fathers

Why do penguins have wedded feet?

Penguins have wedded feet so they could swim underwater

How much feet is emperor penguins?

Emperor Penguins are around 4 feet tall.

How do webbed feet help penguins?

Webbed feet help penguins swim and waddle.