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Q: Why do people act funny at church and pretend they are holy?
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Who is in the communion of holy people?

The Catholic Church is the 'communion of holy people.'

Is the church the christians holy place?

The Church itself is the people, not the building. No, the Church building is not the Christian holy place. God is everywhere. It is the body of a Christian that is holy.

What do people do in church at holy week?

People in Holy week pray and go to Church on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Ester Sunday.

Why people have to go to church?

to get holy and have no sin

What do people do in church on holy Saturday?

There is no Mass or communion or Blessed Sacrament present but they can still pray at church. Many parishes have morning prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours at church on Holy Saturday.

How did people make themselves holy in the middle ages?

By going to church

Why do Catholics pretend that the Catholic Church especially at the highest level didn't support Hitler?

.Catholic AnswerCatholics do not "pretend" that the Church didn't support Hitler, they know that the Church didn't support Hitler. All of the proof is that Pope Pius XII did everything in his power to support and protect the Jews, Catholics, gypsies, and everybody else that Hitler was trying to exterminate. He ordered the Bishops to do everything possible, he opened convents and monasteries to hide people. The top Rabbi in the synagogue in Rome was so overwhelmed by the love and support that the Holy Father that he converted to the Catholic Church. The leaders in Israel all issued statements thanking the Holy Father and the Catholic Church for all that it had done. The only people who believe that the Catholic Church supported Hitler are the know-nothings in the present day press corps that are willing to repeat any vile unsubstantiated rumor against the Catholic Church, and the people who listen to them. Look at history, not the local entertainment news.

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When was Church of the Holy Ascension created?

Church of the Holy Ascension was created in 1826.

When was Church of the Holy Rude created?

Church of the Holy Rude was created in 1129.

When was Holy Trinity Church Marylebone created?

Holy Trinity Church Marylebone was created in 1828.

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