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Q: Why do people argue against sedition act?
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Who was against the alien and sedition act?

The Republicans supported the Alien Act and they opposed the Sedition Act. The Federalist liked the Sedition Act because it was supposed to destroy the Republicans.

What did the Sedition Law allow the government to do?

The Sedition Act of 1918 allowed the government to imprison people who spoke out against the government. It was repealed in 1920.

What is the sedition Act.?

The Sedition Act tried to curb republican criticism of government policy. It basically stopped people from speaking disrespectfully against the government. The Sedition Act made any activity designed to overthrow a government illegal. The 1918 Sedition Act was passed by the United States Congress was a means of expanding the 1917 Espionage Act. Woodrow Wilson signed it into law.

What did the sedition act make illegal in 1910?

The Sedition Act made it illegal to rebel against law and to publish any anti government writings.

What sedition act punished people who openly criticized the government when thomas Jefferson took office?

Jefferson was against this act, passed in 1798. He campaigned against and won the election of 1800. The act was allowed to expire. He was the vice-president in 1798 and did not punish anybody.

Who was affected by the sedition act how were they affected?

The illegal immigrants were the people affected by the Sedition act. They were deported to their countries or imprisoned.

What was the effect of the sedition act of 1918?

One problem with the sedition act was that it limited the freedom of speech for people. It didn't allow people to say anything bad about the country or the government.

How did thomas Jefferson view the sedition act of 1798?

He believed it was unconstitutional and was against it.

What did Sedition Act of 1918 criminalize?

The Sedition Act of 1918 made the use of profane, disloyal or abusive language against the United States government or flag against the law. It gave the Postmaster General the power not to deliver to groups that committed these acts and was considered only to be necessary in times of war.

What was the negative consequence of the sedition act?

A negative consequence of the Sedition Act?

Why did people support the alien and sedition acts?

what law made it illegal to criticize the government? it was one of the answers a. alien act b. sedition act c. naturalization act d. tyranny act it was the alien act A is the correct answer

Why were Alien and Sedition acts unpopular with many people?

The Sedition Act was unpopular because it restricted the freedom to criticize the government.