

Why do people ask ridiculous questions?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Many people, usually teenagers, do not realize that this is a serious site. They ask ridiculous questions and put ridiculous answers because they treat this site as some kind of social networking site instead of a Q and A site.

If you find a ridiculous question, you should report it or change it. If you see a ridiculous answer, you should change it or flag it.

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11y ago
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Q: Why do people ask ridiculous questions?
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Why do some teens ask such ridiculous questions?

like to annoy parents

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Block the users who frequently ask those questions.

Where do these people come up with these ridiculous questions?

Probably because the questions are meant as a joke.

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cherry pite extract, cherry leaves, aspertain: a drug that depletes brain activity to people who ask ridiculous questions like this on, and coca cola.

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why would you even ask it stupid question were not you're dictionary find it yourself gosh people have things to do so stop asking ridiculous questions so

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Ask people to ask you more questions, or find one of those formspring people who do spam (ask many questions at once).

Why do people ask lame questions?

people ask lame questions because their bored and have nothing to do. so they think of lame questions to bother people. i know because my class acts like that. also because people run out of questions to ask so they sometimes ask not so smart questions

How do people ask you questions on Tumblr if i use nighnight theme?

People can ask you questions by going to 'your tumblr url'/ask. For example, ''. If that page is blank you will need to go into your blog settings and choose 'allow followers to ask questions'. This will allow people to ask you questions on your tumblr blog.

Why do people answer these questions?

Because people think they know the answer to everything, and have, simply, nothing better to do than to try and prove that to themselves, and to feel that they are making a difference to the ignormanus who posts the ridiculous questions when in the real world, they make no contribution to anything whatsoever. ok my answer is, BECAUSE IT'S FUN!!!!!!!! but now I have a question for you: why do you waste time writing ridiculous questions like this????????