

Why do people ask so much dumb questions?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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What is dumb to one person is not dumb for another. We all have to start somewhere. It is better to admit you are ignorant about something and ask, even if others might call it a stupid question, than it is to make mistakes or be impaired in your communications with others.

Now, sometimes people engage in trolling and ask nonsense or offensive questions. They often are after a rise out of others or just want attention. The users and supervisors at WikiAnswers try to deal with those types of questions.

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Hey ID1442219518 why do you put dumb answers on WikiAnswers?

I don't think that one is me, but I usually do it only when people ask dumb questions.

Why does everyone ask dumb questions?

Because they want dumb answers.

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because someitmes they just want to be heard or they are just plane dumb.

Who asked you a dumb question before?

There are no dumb questions as long as they are sincere. It would only be dumb to ask one that is not when I am online.

Is a dumb website?

No its a way for people to share ideas and ask questions for free and not be like yahoo and needs the dumb points and let normal americans supervise

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Because they ask questions of what the public wants to know and most of the time the public have dumb questions.

Do you think you r dumb?

no dont ask doumb questions