

Why do people become communist?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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14y ago

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Communism is appealing to many people because its aim is the creation of a society without poverty or exploitation, and where the resources of the community are divided fairly between all its members.

Communism presents itself as a philosophy that supports the poor, the exploited and the oppressed at the expense of the rich and the powerful. It appeals powerfully to many people's sense of justice.

Communists often find support from people who feel they have been exploited - like racial minorities, poor workers, and other people who do not have a secure position or much food. These people feel that the system does not treat them fairly - that they have no opportunity or chance to get ahead. These people have nothing to lose by being radical because they are already living unhappy lives.

The famous quote from the end of the Communist Manifesto is "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!".

Many people are drawn to communism when they become angered or shocked at the way that society exploits people. Communism was popular during the Great Depression for example - because there were so many poor people while corporate tycoons still lived richly.

This is why in most non-communist countries governments make at least some attempt to ensure that wealth is distributed evenly through society - because in societies where there are many people living in misery and only a few rich people, violence and revolution are likely.

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