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Most people who "leave" a certain religious belief, do so after having lived a great portion of their lives under it.

In other words: When we are born, we have no say-so in what religion our parents teach us - or fail to teach us, as the case may be.

I grew up with parents who sent us to a "Presbyterian" church. They never asked me and my brothers and sisters if we wanted to. WE DID IT. They didn't go that much, themselves, so none of us kids ended up leading particularly "pious" lives.

Each generation of children have been born into their "ready-made" world with absolutely no say-so in the matter... and very few of them question the life that's thrown at them... or the religions they are taught.

If they manage to survive into adulthood... questions may arise... but still, not that many bother to "prove" to themselves the things they are taught.

Those born into families whose society is ruled by violent religion grow into their lives, just like everyone else.

But they may not live long enough to question the authority over them... or be given enough time to escape from it.

More concisely, you grow up believing what you are first taught; if that is to believe that whatever supreme being exists is destructive, then it will take some serious re-education and/or life experience to shake that notion from you. Your own beliefs may also reflect your personality - if you see deity(ies) as destructive or negative, then perhaps you know yourself to be the same subconciously. The same goes for positive views and belief in constructive deity.

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