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Perhaps there are two reasons, the one is that they are not sure who God is and the power He has, and two, they do not believe that He exists. Many people are confused as to what they should believe, they know that what they see had to happen either by chance or by some power greater than man who organised it all. Neither can prove which is right for them to believe. One has to decide for themselves. One can believe in man who is fallible, or one can look around and see what wonders there are to behold organised by a God who is infallible. This writer chooses the latter.

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Most people who believe that God created the universe do so out of a religious upbringing, culture, tradition, family history, etc. Most of the time, these are enough for a belief in a God-created universe.

It has become increasingly fashionable to abandon such religious traditional beliefs by dismissing them as myths and fables told around campfires by iron-age Bedouins. After all, how could the earth have been created in 6 days? And how could Noah's flood have happened during a time when the historical record clearly shows an uninterrupted high civilization existing in the Indus Valley?

However, the difficulty in reconciling the biblical record with the secular historical record vanishes when the traditional religious interpretation is abandoned. For example, the idea of an Earth that is billions of years in age stops becomes more compatible with Scripture when the time gap between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 is properly recognized. You can research this on Google.

From a more scientific point of view, a belief in a Creator God is a conclusion many have acknowledged due to simply examining the known scientific facts closely. Again, for example, all naturalistic (divine intervention not needed) origin theories depend upon the physical existence of something called "actual infinities." But actual infinities do not, and cannot exist in the real physical universe. Theories like the multiverse or steady state universe all depend upon actual infinities (again, you can look this up with Google). Without actual infinities, there must be an origin or source for the universe that exists outside of physical reality -- a transcendent First Cause.

Add other observations like a universe that is impossibly fine-tuned, the gapping holes in evolutionary Darwinism, etc. You are left with only two options:

  1. Either the universe caused itself, which is a contradiction to all known laws of physics, mathematics and logic, or
  2. The universe was planned, designed and caused.

This answer is not intended to prove the existence of God, nor can it. But non-theistic explanations that depend upon concepts like eternity or actual infinities do not hold water scientifically when examined in detail.

When the facts are examined in the light of day, to believe in a non-created universe requires a greater, more unrealistic leap of faith than a belief in God.

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Because they believe in God. And because the world is too complex and perfect to be created another way.

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