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A peacock is a male peafowl and a female is called a peahen and there babies are called peachicks

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Q: Why do people call them peacocks if their real name is peafowl?
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Do baby peacocks have a different name?

Baby peafowl are called chicks.

What is the name of the peacock's young?

peachicks. males are peacocks and females are peahens. together they are peafowl

Are peafowl and peacocks the same thing?

A male peafowl is a peacock; a female peafowl is called a peahen. I believe that we hear mostly about peacocks and generalize the term to mean all peafowl, a term we, by comparison, rarely hear. Also it is written as one word, which we then think peacock is the species name. There are other instances when we often use the gender term of of a species with the name of the species. For instance, many people call all cattle, cows, when actually cow is the female cattle and bull is the male cattle. The terms cow and bull are used in numerous mammalian species to designate gender, not species, just as cock and hen are used in a number of species of birds.

What are peafowl?

The term peafowl refers to Gallinaceous Birds classified within the genera Rheinardia, Argusianus, Afropavo,and Pavo Peafowl is the collective name for males (peacocks), females (peahens) and chicks (peachicks) of the beautiful birds with long tail feathers that have coloration that looks like eyes on the ends of the feathers.

What do you call the fear of peacocks?

The scientific name for a Peacock is Pavo Cristatus, so I assume fear of Peacocks (using the Genus name of Pavo) is Pavophobia

What is a scientific name of peacock?

Well, their are numerous species of Peafowl. if you mean Pavo Cristatus, or Indian Blue Peafowl, Pavo Muticus, or Green Peafowl, or just Pavo for peafowl in general (the genus of birds).

Why are the female peacocks not beautiful?

First of all, all peacocks are male peafowl; peahens are female peafowl. Like most birds, the female of the species is usually drab and blends in with their environment. This serves to hide them from predators in their environment particularly when they are nesting. As an aside, there are other instances when we confuse the gender term of of a species with the name of the species. For instance, many people call all cattle, cows, when actually cow is the female cattle and bull is the male cattle. The terms cow and bull are used in numerous mammalian species to designate gender, not species, just as cock and hen are used in a number of species of birds.

What is scientific name of peacock bird?

There are two species of peafowl. There is the Pavo cristatus commonly known as the Indian or Blue Peafowl, and there is the Pavo muticus commonly known as the Green Peafowl. The species that most people are familiar with is the Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus.)

What is pea fowl?

A peafowl is simply the species name for a peacock. A peacock is actually a male peafowl. A hen (female) peafowl is called a peahen. Learn more about them in the link below.

What is the scientific name for peafowls?

Genus & species of Peafowl are Pavo cristus. They are of the family Phasiandae of the order Galiformes.

What is the name for the shelter of peacocks?

muster or ostentation

Is a peafowl a bird?

Yes it's another name for a peacock.