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Nicholas of Myra was a very pious and holy bishop in what is known today as Turkey. He was very generous to the poor and would make secret gifts of gold coins to them.

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Q: Why do people celebrate the feast of Saint Nicholas?
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When is the feast of Saint Nicholas celebrated?

On December the 6th we celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas, a 4th century bishop from Myra, Asia Minor (Turkey) who was noted for his generosity.

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On December the 6th we celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas, a 4th century bishop from Myra, Asia Minor (Turkey) who was noted for his generosity.

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December 6 is the feast of St. Nicholas of Myra.

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Yes, December 6 is the feast day of St. Nicholas of Myra.

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The feast of Saint Nicholas of Myra is on December 6 all over the world.

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December 6 is the feast of St. Nicholas of Myra. Some countries celebrate the feast by providing the children with special gifts or treats, much like Santa on Christmas. However, most countries do not celebrate the feast.