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Q: Why do people do habitat distruction?
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Why are pink river dolphins extinct?

there are many reasons: -poaching for skin and meat -habitat distruction -lack of food

Why is the Baltimore checker spot butterfly decreasing?

i dont care, deer and habitat distruction j

What threats do endangered animals have?

I suppose that Global Warming and Habitat Distruction is 2 of the main ones.

Why is Pitcher Plant endangered?

the pitcher plant usually live in bogs, but bogs are being destroyed (aka: habitat distruction)

What are some common features seen in disaster affected areas?

distruction distruction distruction

How has global warming affected pandas?

Global warming it self as not as tress need CO2, but the fact that wood is need to burn is a large part of endangering pandas. (habitat distruction)

Are Eland engangered?

Yes. Because they're so huge, poachers kill them for their meat, skin, and horns. They are also endangered because of habitat distruction and pollution.

What kind of distruction did World War 1 do?

Killed many people and destroyed many buildings.

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Why would people be interested in hurricanes?

They want to know how much distruction it caused and if the hurricanes got stronger from the past.

What is a habitat example?

an example of a habitat is people or habitat is our home!

What does sfd stand for?

stand for distruction