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Stopping selling alcohol wouldn't prevent people drinking it. This is the main reason.

Also, just because alcohol isn't being sold legally doesn't mean it won't be being sold illegally elsewhere, and this is a problem. Most people would prefer to see the profits from the sale of alcohol go to Britain to give a much needed boost to the economy, rather than straight into the hands of criminals.

Another point is: making the sale of alcohol illegal makes it harder for alcoholics to seek help for their addiction; it is very hard for an alcoholic to turn themselves in to the police to confess to a crime, much harder, even, than coming face to face with a legal addiction.

And while people may say that alcohol and Alcoholism destroy lives, what also destroys lives is hefty fines and long prison sentences, which is what making the sale and possession of alcohol lead to.

Hope this helps - there are a few other points but I think these are basic ones. Sorry if I've waffled/answered entirely the wrong question but I think this is the information you were after?

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Q: Why do people do not want to put alcohol out of sales?
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