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The need for control is omnipresent in an imperfect society. The psychological answer is that for some people who control others there is a personal/emotional gain. The majority of the time it is for self-gratification. That is usually based on a low self-esteem and poor upbringing. If those needs happen to coincide with the good of all, that is fine. However, that is usually not the case.

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14y ago

i know how you feel my girlfriend does it all the time it makes them feel like they are in control it makes them also feel as if they can do whatever they want so that you can stay with them holding stuff against you bringing up old things that happened in the past in present argument's my suggestion try to talk to them i learned the hard way try to bring them to their senses that it's just a friend that your talking to on the phone and so on best of luck to you

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Q: Why do people feel the need to control others?
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need to feel in control of their own behaviours and goals