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Q: Why do people feel weak without red blood cells?
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What does the stuff do in a red blood cell?

Red blood cells have the important job of picking up oxygen from the lungs and carrying oxygen to all of the other cells of the body. The cells of the body use oxygen as the fuel they need to do their jobs.Red blood cells also give you color. If your skin is white the red blood cells give you the pink color in your skin. They also give your lips a nice pink color.The way we measure the Red Blood Cells is by measuring the Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein that makes up the Red Blood Cells.When the Hemoglobin level is below 8 grams, the cells of the body do not receive enough oxygen to do their jobs and your body may begin to feel differently.Your heart must also pump harder.

What happens if red blood cells don't work properly?

Sickle cell anaemia is the product of long term evolutionary pressures due to endemic malaria. The malaria parasite cannot survive in sickle cells, which is why the disease is so common among people who share African genes (where malaria is prevalent). The disease is inherited, but partially recessive, giving people that are heterozygous for the trait a huge advantage, as complications are less likely (there are many 'normal' red blood cells to make up for the anaemia that results from sickled cells), but they still have the protection against malaria. The cause is a missense point mutation in the beta hemoglobin gene, which causes hemoglobin in red blood cells to aggregate under low oxygen conditions. This aggregation leads to the red blood cell becoming rigid and changing in shape to the characterisitic sickle shape that the disease takes its name from. Although the disease succesfully protects against malaria, which has kept it endemic despite its high mortality rate, the rigid sickle shape cells can get caught up in blood vessels much more easily than normal cells, vastly increasing the risk and frequency of blood clots. This is a particular problem for people who are homozygous for sickle cell anaemia, since all of their red blood cells have this problem. Destruction of sickle cells by the body takes place in the pancreas, since the strangely shaped cells are not recognised as being 'real' red blood cells, which causes the anaemia.

Do you have any stories about a war between pathogens and white blood cells in a person's body?

once upon a time there was ahe te it . Then after some hours he started to feel inside the body the white cells are tring to fight

Why do you feel tired if you have a lack of red blood cells?

red blood cells are mainly hemoglobin. hemoglobin is mostly iron. hemoglobin binds oxygen and transports it to the body. when it is low, heart rate goes up and the heart works much harder to get oxygen to the body. thus, one feels tired so that the body will slow down and the heart can pump the blood to the tissues.

What if the blood in your body does not flow?

Well, I hope this answers your people's questions, VERY much..but here's the answer: It's not THAT solid to actually feel INSIDE your body. Well, I don't really know the answer, but people can improve it if they want. Thank you for seeing my answers :)

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Nerves in your skin and blood vessel's cells probably

Why does a oerson feel dizzy when his blood lacks hemoglobin?

the cells do not get enough heat

Can you feel your blood going through you veins?

No. But you can feel it going through arteries, the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. The blood in the arteries is being pumped so it pulses.

How do nerve cells muscle cells and blood cells compare?

nerve cells give you your sense of touch, feel, smell, and hearing. Blood cells depends on what type of blood you are talking about white blood cells help protect your body from sickness and red blood cells carry oxygen to your lungs allowing you to breath both are essential for living

Why is there no substitute for blood?

Well, technically if you'r dieing because your blood is running out the only way to save you is to pump in a different persons blood. You can like dornate some blood at doctors. Then that will be used to save some lives. It is good to do that. Maybe you feel like saving people and can do that. But i really don't think there is a substitute, because the blood cells in blood are hard to clone, because the cells die when a person dies so you can't take blood cells from anywhere, unless you recreate blood cells. Which i don't think anyone has done yet. But I'm not a scientist so i'm not so sure.

What do patients feel with high blood pressure?

Usually a person with high blood pressure feel no symptoms. Very dangerous condition.

What are the functions of the red and white blood cells in the heart?

Red blood cells, also called erythrocytes, are responsible for the characteristic color of our blood. They are responsible for picking up carbon dioxide from our blood and for transporting oxygen. The essential component of red blood cells is hemoglobin, which can hold oxygen so the cells can then transport around the body. This process is what gives the body energy, which explains why people who suffer from anemia - low count red blood cells - often feel tired and sleepy. A high count of red blood cells is rare, but it can happen. Causes include kidney disease, dehydration, anabolic steroid use, and pulmonary fibrosis. People suffering from a high count of red blood cells usually have impaired circulation, and are at a high risk for heart disease. While blood cells or leukocytes, on the other hand, are primarily responsible for fighting foreign organisms that enter the body. This includes everything from bacterial and parasitic infections to allergic response. T-cells, a form of white blood cells, are the ones that stop functioning properly in the presence of an HIV. An overproduction of white blood cells can lead to leukemia. On the other hand, certain medications, such as Clozapine®, used in psychiatry, can reduce the number of white cells significantly.

How bad can one feel after plasma donation?

To make a plasma donation is the same as a blood donation. Red blood cells float in plasma, so they take the blood and seperate the plasma. So you might feel a bit dozy or weak after, but this isn't common.

What is the importance of iron for teenagers?

iron is required to manufacuture haemoglobin, which is the pigment present in Red blood cells responsible carrying oxygen around your body to all respiring cells. if you don't have enough iron you may suffer from anaemia, which means you got low no. of red blood cells. so what's the problem? you feel lethargic All the time you can't carry out any exercise without feeling out of breath you look pale you feel dizzy/light headed the problem is much more grave for women than men as they already lose a lot of blood each month in menstruation.

Why do you feel hungry when glucose levels fall in the blood?

It is your body's way of telling you that you need to eat to raise the glucose level in the blood. Glucose is necessary for your cells and you to live.

Why do people suffering from anaemia get tired easily?

Iron is needed to produce haemoglobin, which is the part of the blood that carries oxygen throughout the body. A lack of haemoglobin means less oxygen available to be utilised by cells for energy