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Sometimes people fight for freedom for their country, such as the British ruling America, and some very famous people fought. Also, some people fight just to feel like a real citizen of a particular place like India or China.

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People may fight for independence to gain self-governance, preserve their cultural identity, or seek autonomy from a controlling force. In many cases, it is driven by a desire for freedom, equality, and the ability to determine their own political, social, and economic future.

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Q: Why do people fight for independence?
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What did the Famous People of the Revolution do?

The Famous People of the American Revolution played various roles, such as political leaders, military commanders, diplomats, and activists. They helped lead the fight for independence from British rule, drafted the Declaration of Independence, negotiated treaties, and inspired others to join the cause. Their contributions were crucial in shaping the outcome of the Revolution and the establishment of the United States.

In what ways were the independence movements in Algeria and Vietnam similarAsk us anything?

Both the independence movements in Algeria and Vietnam were characterized by anti-colonial struggle against French imperialism. They both involved armed resistance against the colonial powers and sought self-determination for their respective nations. Additionally, both movements faced significant challenges and sacrifices in their fight for independence.

What do you think happens in the meeting between Simon Boliva and Jose de San Martin?

In their meeting, Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin likely discussed the liberation movements in Latin America, strategies for independence from Spanish colonial rule, and potential collaborations between their respective armies. It was a significant moment of solidarity and coordination in the fight for independence.

Why do people choose not to fight?

People may choose not to fight to avoid physical harm, to prevent escalation of a conflict, to uphold non-violent principles, or to prioritize peaceful resolution of disagreements.

What methods did Kwame Nikrumah advocate in order to gain independence for Ghana?

Kwame Nkrumah advocated for nonviolent methods such as boycotts, strikes, and protests to gain independence for Ghana. He also focused on education and raising awareness among the population to build support for the independence movement. Additionally, Nkrumah worked towards building a strong political organization, the Convention People's Party, to mobilize the masses towards independence.

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Name two events that inspired the people of Latin America to fight for independence?

One event that inspired the people of Latin America to fight for their independence was when L'ouverture took leadership of the country of Haiti. Another event that inspired the people to fight for independence was Napoleon's invasion of Spain.

Who helped people fight for independence?

Arnold Filiger

What did the federalist try to convince people to do?

Fight for the independence from England

How did people who did not fight in the war show their support for independence?

they did not fight because some of them weren't ready

How did people who did not fight in the war show support for independence?

they did not fight because some of them weren't ready

How did people who did not fight in the war show their their support for independence?

they did not fight because some of them weren't ready

What did the Federalists Papers try to convince people to do?

Fight for the independence from England

What did the Federalist papers try to convince people to do?

Fight for the independence from England

How did people who did not fight in war show their support for independence?

They showed support by sending letters

A feeling of community among a people often a unifying element in a fight for independence?


Who led Indonesia's fight for independence?

they are lot's of people led's indonesia one of them is suharso