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Because they want to.

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Q: Why do people get their belly buttons pirced?
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Do people store things in their belly buttons?

No, people do not store things in their belly buttons, but I do believe it is possible to store a small amount of food in the human belly button.

Does your belly hurt after eating?

okay so i am 14 years old and me and my friend 2 yeras ago got our belly buttons pirced. my uncle did it for us because he does pirceings and tattoos but i was still scared. me and my friend both started to cry before we got are belly pirced but then when h said that he was read to pirce mine i but my i pod in my ears and closed my eyes i was so scared and all i was doind was crying. i tried to listen to the music and get it off my mind but i didnt wotk. she then he went in and he pirced my belly button. it hurt a little bit but i think that was because i tensed up but after that it didn't hurt that bad. now i am 14 years old and i could say that i got my belly button pirced it looks so cool and my frined got hers to. i have a blue one in right now and she has a pink one. also my mom got one to and she looks hot. but when you get your belly button pirced it doesn't hurt when you eat but if you like bend over or do something to hurt the belly button area it hurts a little bit but that like only for the first few days.

How much does getting your belly button pirced hurt?

When you get your belly pierced its doesnt hurt at all. its hurts as much as a little pinch.

Why do some people have different belly buttons?


Why do penguins have belly buttons?

they have belly buttons because they have them okii

Do hamsters have belly buttons?

Yes, hamsters do have belly buttons

Do all things have belly buttons?

Things generally don't have belly buttons. All placental mammals have belly buttons.

How many people in the world do not have belly buttons?

Naturally= Zero

Do gorrillas have belly buttons?

Yes in fact all mammals have belly buttons which is super fascinating but they are straight unlike our human belly buttons!

Is it dangerous for under 14's to get their belly button pirced?

Its not dangerous but you shouldn't do anything that you can't spell.

Why do people lick belly buttons?

because the stomach is good looking