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Q: Why do people give water to fainted person?
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What is collapsing with a weak pulse?

If a person has collapsed and appears to have a weak pulse, they have fainted or to use the medical term, syncope. The best way to revive the patient is not to throw a bucket of water on them but to wait for them to recover. Give small sips of water after the patient has recovered. Usually a fainted patient will have a complete recovery.

Can you give me a sentence for fainted?

Alonso fainted when he saw his father dead

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she is generous person give example .

What would a density of a person be?

The density of water is 1.0 and people are made mostly of water but they do float in water (just) so the density of a person is lust less than 1.0. I can not give you a precise answer because of cause your density would change as you breath in and out.

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What Actions should to be taken for faint?

If someone faints, there are a few steps that should be taken by the person/people who are around the person who has fainted. First, if they lean and start to fall, try to catch them to prevent any injuries from occurring to the fainting person. Then, get the person on flat on the ground so that blood can be pumped to the brain. If the person lays unconscious for more than a few seconds, immediate medical help should be contacted. Once the person has fainted, you need to lift their legs above the heart to help the blood go to the brain so that the brain can get oxygen. Once the person regains consciousness, don't let them sit up right away. Have them lay down flat until emergency medical help has arrived, and give them cool (not cold) water to drink. Even though fainting can be no problem, it can still lead to or have to do with a serious underlying condition, so emergency medical help should ALWAYS be contacted considering the circumstances.

Why is glucose given to a fainted person?

Not always.Generally you shouldn't give ANYTHING to someone who has just fainted. With lack/restricted consiousness it might go into their lungs, they may not be able to cough it up etc etc. Big trouble.But someone who has diabetes can sometimes faint b/c of low sugar levels, and they'll perk right up if given something sweet - like glucose.

Should you give a dehydrated person cold water?

no, sips of room temperature water.

What to do if a person is breathing but unconscious?

it depends if they have just fainted or if they are going to be out for a while, it also depends on the situation. If the person faints you should rub their hands and arms and try to get circulation running. also they should be on a relatively flat surface and after they wake up, give them some food. Nothing too heavy, maybe something like crackers, and also something to drink. Something that has suger in it so that their glucose levels will stabilize.

Who was the very first swimmer?

scum in the water way before humans existed. No, people have been swimming for like... ever. YOu can't give credit to one person.

How do you give the water bucket and the pig to the people in early poptropica?

click on the people

Why do they give people stuff when its Valentine's Day?

to show how much they love the person that they give the present!:)