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Q: Why do people go to Austria?
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What kind of tourists go to Austria?

People from Germany, Italy, Hungry, Slovenia, Croatia,...

How do people move throughout Austria?

Austria has highways and airports.

How do people live in sandy deserts in Austria?

Austria has no deserts.

Do people vote in austria?

Yes, much like in the United States, people do vote in Austria. The legal age to vote in Austria is the age of eighteen.

How many people live in Austria?

As of 2021, the estimated population of Austria is around 9 million people.

What is Austria's population for 2012?

8.2 million people live in Austria

What nationality is Austria?

Austria is an independent country, and the nationality of people from Austria is Austrian. They are closely related to Germany and the official language of Austria is German.

Why do people love to go to Austria with Cox and Kings give your answer in less than 20 words?

Because they are the best in the business!

How can you immigrate to Austria?

Go there by plane

What are the people of Austria?

People living in Austria are "Austrians" in German it would be "Österreicher" the Ö is pronounced like the "u" in "urban".

How did Germany encourage Austria to go to war against Serbia?

Germany promised support to Austria.

Is there any Famous people in Austria?

Hitler was born in Austria not germany. He was austrian not german.