

Why do people hate one another without any provocation?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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Thank you for giving an expert opinion. My concern is how we can overcome this hatred. I don't think that any of the prophets (May peace be upon them all) preached hatred against any body. All human beings are the off-spring of a single couple-Hazrat Adam a.s. and Hazrat Eve a.s. We should have been loving and kind to others.

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No there is no reason. It is ignorance to hate someone because of religion, sexual orientation, race, and other reasons. From the very earliest time in the history of man there has discriminated against others. It is a basic negative response that drives people to discriminate, but with education and contact it would seem that this could be controlled. I had begun to think that we had finally reached a point in history that we had overcome discrimination, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Recent events have shown that it was still very much part of society.

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