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because the body releases growth hormones at a surtent level in your body which then comes into a fact with a growth spurts...when i was 11 i was 5"2, when i turned 15 i was 6"5 so i had a big time spurt over a span of 4 years its a normal thing to have a growth spurt and you will get pains in your back legs arms chest and ect...but if it worry's you to much go talk to your doctor and he or she will explain it better

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Q: Why do people have growth spurts at different times?
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How many growth spurts do girls have?

about.... 2 or 3 times

When does growth spurts happen for boys?

It usually depends once a boy hits puberty they tend to have a growth spurt and some growth spurts happen at the most uncommon times they can grow until there up to 20live years old but normally they will have most growth spurts between 13 to 18

What are puppy growth spurts?

These are times when it seems like your puppys growth just spurt ahead and he is so much bigger now then the last time you checked.

How height increase I'm147.5cm long 14yr I drinkmilk doexercises sports and take l-argenine but I'm not an adult what can I do to become taller I feel so ashamed between my friends Ilook as a 8yr?

Some people are born smaller and will not be as tall as others, and some people hit growth spurts at different times.

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because different plants have different germanation and growth times

Can girls have a growth spurt at the start of menarche?

Yes, it is completely possible for a girl to have a growth spurt after her first period. The idea that menarche (first period) marks some stop in development is false, menarche is one of many changes that occur during puberty. Puberty continues until adulthood, menarche on average starts at 13 years old whereas puberty tends to end around the age of 18 years old, so a girl may see a growth spurt later in their teens long after they've started to menstruate.

Average height of an eleven year old boy?

According to the growth chart at (downloadable) average height is around 145cm, or 57''. That's just over four and a half feet. Remember, this is just an average - height varies depending on weight and genetics, and children have growth spurts at different times - if your child is unusually tall or short for his age, that doesn't necessarily mean he'll always be tall or short. I'm 5'4 and I'm 11..... and a boy.

How long do a hair growth spurt last?

It depends on your genetics. Also, hormones have a lot to do with your growth. It also depends on whether you eat right and excercise daily. Usually you would hit your growth spurt once, slow down for a while, and grow some more. Funny huh?

Does your rib cage get larger during puberty?

well yes because puberty has a great many growth spurts which makes mainly your legs, arms, and spine grow but several times the rib cage grows along with the rest of the body.

At what age do people stop growing?

Girls and boys usually stop growing at different times. Girls finish between the ages of 14-16 and boys finish growing between 16-20 and sometimes more. Your ears and nose may keep growing throughout your lifetime.

Who mummified the ancient Egypt?

different people at different times

How do you know your going threw puberty?

As a girl changing into a women, you go through may physical and mental changes that can be uncomfortable at times. These are some of the things you may experience: Breasts start to develop (buds) Growth spurts Emotional changes Public Hair Discharge Your Period And your diet increases.