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they don't have to

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Q: Why do people have to hate on pale people?
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Do people hate people?

Yes, unfortunately. People do hate people.

Why do so many people hate pale skin?

Not everyone hates pale skin. I myself am very pale and if i even attempt getting a tan I will end up with a sun burn. Being a tan is a fad right now and eventually being pale will be the new fad. Tans are nice but I find fair skin to look healthier, and fair skin also seems to have a nice glow to it. Some people love tan skin, others love pale skin because its like ivory or smooth like porcelain. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Besides people who get tans will just get more spots and wrinkles when they are older and they would probably end up with cancer.

Can people die if they are to pale?

No but pale people do often have skin cancer The color of the skin can at times indicate a problem with health however just having pale skin wont kill you. People with pale skin should take extra care however where it comes i contact with the sun.

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a victim of hate is a person who suffers from people who hate on people for no reason

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It seems like Cambodian people hate vietnamese people but vietnamese people don't hate cambodian people

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i hate it when people slurp there drinks

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People who hate JLS are sad and have no lives.

How many people hate

A lot of people hate

How many people hate

Not that many people hate it. But a lot of people do not use it.

Do non-Jewish people hate Jewish people?

what or who people hate is an individual choice.

Are people in Alaska weird?

Yes. And pale.

Who do Syrian people hate?

Most Syrians hate Israelis and "Zionists". Beyond that, who Syrians hate depends on the person. Some people hate Iran and Iranian proxies like Hezbollah. Some people hate the US and US allies in the Middle East. Some people hate theocrats and some hate secularists.