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Media has only one pourpose of glamorizing serial killers. Money. These movies profit well. Most of us have seen the latest serial killers series named Dexter. I am not moved by watching a serial killer being the hero of the youths. Whoever wrote this scrip is a high level IQ fellow who studied serial killers and it's traits.

I borrowed the dvds to study this fenomenon. I had to go through 4 seasons having 12 episodes. And the writer is right. Dexter is a low IQ fellow who looks like a high skilled high IQ fellow with 12 years of learning with his carrer as a blood spatter analist. He even had some kind of reatarted learning. By age 3, he could not pronounce his brother's name Bryan. As I said before, I didn't like this series but the writer had the right idea when he wrote this script.

The media protraits serial killers as highly intellingent. They need a equal intelingent detective to cath him. In real life, this is not true. Most serial killers are caught by accident. Ted Bundy was caught speeding. Dumb mistake. The son of Sam was caught by leaving his guns showing from outside is car. Dumber mistake.

The Unabomber did have a high IQ. He was caught not by a dumb mistake but by high thinking brain mistake. The Zodiac also had a high IQ and he was never caught.

Glamorizing serial killers in the media is a bad practice and even more, it is increasing the United States serial killers problem. Many people believe media is producing serial killers.

Yes, i do agree that it has something to do with pecuniary reasons. Everyone wants money, right? And the best way to accomplish that-in the media-is to feed the people what they want. Serial killers are fascinating and i believe alot of people think so. Their acts are gruesome and appalling. It provokes a myriad of questions. When you read about specific serial killers, you would think something like this :"Oh my! This sounds like a Horror story!" For some people, murder feeds their intrigue. PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW and the media sees they play smart and decide to take advantage of our curiosity. That's when we see documentaries of serial killers coming out and then it progresses to movies.

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Fascination and Curiosity. It can mean many things: they were raised that way, if they take religious acts upon serial killers. In other words, they are really stupid.

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