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It is because people from Georgia just gets more internal gas and they are country so thats why they fart the most

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Q: Why do people in Georgia fart the most?
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i don't know about u but i fart every minute and kill people when i fart so i wouldn't come near me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! most people don't fart every minute.!!! except for talking about yourself we include EVERYONE Thanks 8D PS ABOUT THE PEOPLE NOT ABOUT YOU.

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Do girls fart?

yes of course

Do you fart when seeing certain people?

Nope. I fart whenever the hell I want to.-masterjiji

Do guys think it's rude when girls fart?

Generally, yes. It is not very "lady like" and is considered rude by most people. Well it depends on what the guy is like! Most guys think its funny when anybody farts! I personally think its funny when other people fart! Plus its the human nature to fart! Everybody farts at least 14 times a day! So if you don't like to fart I have a technique that works if you don't want to fart! Suck in your cheeks it really works, my long lost grandmother told me and I think it works GREAT!