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For the same reason why...

... in Germany people speak German;

... in Finland people speak Finnish;

... in Mongolia people speak Mongolian;

... in Vietnam people speak Vietnamese;

... in Uzbekistan people speak Uzbek;

etc. etc. etc.

In some countries people speak a language of themselves; in others, colonisers imposed theirs, so local folks don´t have a proper language anymore or never had a different one. Look: what language is mainly spoken in the USA? The one of folks who invaded those lands some centuries ago - right? (Well, that country doesn´t even have a proper name, even in the English that they "received" or learned how to speak since their first years of life!)

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11y ago

because when some iof china broke off from china and went to the small little isand they decide to call it Japan and wanted to make a new lanuage because they were no longer chinese so they made a lanuage and sence they lived on a isand they named it Japanese

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