

Why do people keep pigs?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Some people keep them as pets, others farm them for food. Pigs are intelligent pets and tasty food.

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Why do pigs exist?

We need pigs for farming and to eat. In ancient history they let pigs run around loose and keep them for a pet. People now still keep pig ad pets and farming animals.

Do pigs exists?

We need pigs for farming and to eat. In ancient history they let pigs run around loose and keep them for a pet. People now still keep pig ad pets and farming animals.

Do pigs keep socks on?

No, pigs do not wear socks.

How did pigs become pets?

In the 1970's and 1980's, potbellied pigs were brought from Vietnam to be shown in zoos. People liked them so much that they started to keep them as pets.

Can you keep two male guinea pigs in the same cage?

I have tow male Ginny pigs an i keep them together and they are fine.

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No, I can assure you Papua New Guinean's do not eat guinea pigs as they are a domesticated animal. Only a insignificant number of people keep and care for domesticated animals in PNG.

Why do farmers kill runt pigs?

Most sell the pigs to people who want them or keep them as house hold pets, but they dont let the runt continue to breed with the rest of the pigs so that the genetics of the runt dont cause other runts in the future

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They have their own bank.

What has pigs?

farmers and they keep them in a enclosed field

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there are different kinds but people usually keep dogs and cats.

What is the best companion for a guenia pig?

Another guinea pig of the same gender. Guinea pigs are social creatures that get lonley if kept on their own. Most people choose to keep female guinea pigs in groups as you can have problems with boars (male guinea pigs) fighting. You can of course keep two or more guinea pigs of the opposite gender but unless you want baby piggies it's not a good idea. Hope it helped.

Why sailors are the reason for guinea pigs popularity?

The first people to keep guinea pigs as pets were sailor's. They brought them to Europe from south America. (Which was perhaps confused with Guinea, in Africa). These little animals were called guinea pigs because of the squeaking, pig-like noises they make.MJC