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The first people to keep guinea pigs as pets were sailor's. They brought them to Europe from south America. (Which was perhaps confused with Guinea, in Africa). These little animals were called guinea pigs because of the squeaking, pig-like noises they make.


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According to So You Think You're Good At Trivia - Guinea pigs are called pigs because they?

Guinea pigs are called pigs because they were used by German sailors as a source of fresh meat when sailing. They were called little sea pigs by the sailors.

Do Guinea Pigs have anything to do with New Guinea?

accualy ,no. they get ginea because when sailors from england had guinea pigs brought overfrom sounth amierica th-y costed 1 guinea

What do they call pigs in guinea?

As for the other part of their name, guinea pigs were first brought to Europe about four hundred years ago by Spanish sailors, probably form a country in South America call Dutch Guiana. And the sailors called them Guiana pigs.

Where did the name guinea pig come from?

The name "guinea pig" is believed to have originated from the fact that these small animals were originally brought to Europe from the South American country of Guinea. The term "pig" in the name is likely due to the squealing sounds they make that are similar to a pig.

Why guinea pigs jump?

The same reason we jump.

Why are guinea pig mammals?

There is no reason other than that Guinea Pigs evolved to be mammals.

Do you have to kill Guinea Pigs if they scratch you?

No, there is no reason to kill a guinea pig for scratching someone.

What is the real reason why guinea pigs got their name?

they sold for a guinea lol. they're native to south america.

Do guinea pigs need to walk like dogs?

Guinea pigs, like all animals, need exercise or their muscles will atrophe (go soft). This is the reason tanks for guinea pigs usually have a wheel that the little animals can run around in for exercise.

Are guinea pigs a pig or?

No!!!!!!!They are actually part of the rodent family.

Are guinea pigs vegetarian?


How many guinea pigs do guinea pigs have?

I have three