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Because they are immigrants.

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Q: Why do people kill Australian sea lions?
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Related questions

How many Australian sea lions are left in the wild?

there are about 10,000-12,000 Australian sea lions left in the wild.

How do Australian sea lions get to shore?


What do people kill sea lions with?

If they are babies, with clubs, it is very upsetting. Adults are shot.

What do sea lions do when they are attacked?


What are Australian sea-lions main predators?

The main predators of the Australian Sea Lion are the sharks. Specifically the White Pointers and the Great White Sharks are the two main animals that prey on Sea Lions.

Do sea lions kill penguins?

yes they do

How many babies do Australian sea lions have?

1 or 2 baby's

What color are Australian sea lions?

I think the colour of the sea lion is sort of yellowy Brownie?

Do penguins like sea lions?

No, absolutely not. Sea lions kill penguins. Think of it this way: Do you like terrorists?

Do Australian sea lions have a backbone?

yeah. it's a mammal

What do Australian sea lions look like?

Like a walrus or any other sea lion. See the related link for a picture of an Australian sea lion.

Which ocean do sea lions live in?

Sea lions live in California New Zeland and Australia