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Its for good luck

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Q: Why do people kiss the feet of Jesus on Good Friday in church?
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Was Jesus tried on good Friday?

Jesus died on Good Friday, and rose on Easter.

Does not eating meat on good Friday apply to mormons?

No. While members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) may choose to celebrate Good Friday privately, it is not a tradition within the church. As the Bible never mentions avoiding meat on Good Friday, Mormons do not feel they need to do so.

What does Good Friday celebrate?

Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary.

Do greek orthodox have stations of the cross in the church?

They have a similar burial procession on 'Good Friday' (called Holy and Great Friday in the Orthodox Church) where a funeral bier (Epitaphion) of Jesus is carried in the streets.

Who was Jesus trialled against on good Friday?

Jesus was not trialed against anyone on Good Friday. After his trial, Pilate offered to free one prisoner, as was the custom at that time. The people were to choose between Jesus and Barabbas. They chose Barabbas.

What happens to Jesus on Good Friday?

On good Friday Jesus was made fun of and crucified. The people wanted to kill Jesus so they nailed him to a cross. They whipped Jesus and made him carry his cross to the hill of Golgotha.There he was crucified.

Did Jesus die before Good Friday?

No, He died on Good Friday @ 3PM.

What does the Catholic church call the day Jesus died?

The Church calls the day that Our Blessed Lord died Good Friday. Good Friday is the only day of the year when Mass cannot be celebrated in the Roman Rite, and a liturgy called the Mass of the Presanctified is celebrated in which Parishioners are given Holy Communion that was consecrated on Holy Thursday.

What about Good Friday?

Good Friday is remembering the suffering and pain Jesus took for our sins on the cross.

Why does Good Friday fall on a Friday?

Good Friday is the day on which we remember Jesus being crucified. In the Gospels, Jesus was crucified on the day before the Sabbath (which was Saturday) to rise on the third day afterwards (on the Sunday). Therefore as Jesus was crucified on a Friday, the day on which we remember the crucifixion, is always a Friday.

How do people in Jamaica celebrate the birth of Jesus?

Jamaica celebrates Easter by going to church on good Friday, having Easter sundy church, eating bun and cheese,, and meditating what Jesus did for us while he was in the wilderness,, its one of the most celebrated holidays in Jamaica, people go out in number to church and some people wear black to mourn the death of gods only son that save the world for us all.

What day comemorates Jesus death?

Jesus died on Good Friday.