

Why do people like kangaroos?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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11y ago

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Kangaroos are prolific in all areas of Australia, not just the east. Feeding conditions in the east are better than those in the west and venal Australia.

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11y ago

because their strong fighters and their cute

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You can say "Me gustan los canguros." This is literally "Kangaroos are pleasing to me", but is interpreted as "I like kangaroos".

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Kangaroos do not like chocolate; nor should they be offered chocolate.

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Probably zero considering kangaroos do not eat people.

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Kangaroos do not live in Canada.

Why do you have kangaroos?

most people who have kangaroos work for a place that raises them such as a zoo or wildcare

How do tree kangaroos eat food?

by chewing it up using it's jaws just like people.

Does a kangaroo die if it gets wet?

Like people, kangaroos can get sick if they get wet and cold, but it not always the case.

How many intestines do kangaroos have?

Like humans, kangaroos have a small intestine and a large intestine.

What is a kangaroos habitat like?

Tree kangaroos live in rainforests and dense tropical forests.

What do people already know about a kangaroo?

alot of people know things about kangaroos like there is 10 different species of them and they carry their cub around for a few months so they dont die so there is a few things humans know about kangaroos

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