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Q: Why do people living in hilly areas grow crops by cutting steps?
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What is step farming?

In hilly areas, people grow crops by cutting steps in the mountains. This is known as step farming.

How people living in Darjeeling grow crops?

people living there grows crops by photosynthesis and the glucose and starc will be added to it

How did people in Plymouth make a living?

the plymouth made living by planting crops , when the winter was over !!

How do people earn a living in rural Mexico?

I think they use cash crops. Also known as growing crops and selling it for money.

How did the colonies make their living?

they became planters and exported crops and/or sold slaves! I am assuming you meant the southern American colonies. The southern areas grew crops and sold the raw materials for profit.

What is a wooden sickle?

An ainchent egyption item used for harvesting crops.

How did colonist make a living?

Colonists made a living by raising crops then trading them for other crops they might not have had or selling them to people in need of what they did produce. Some also worked in their towns.

What is the agriculture of people living in the desert?

oats barleys and the crops which uses less water.

How did North Carolina people make a living?

they would sell crops to other settlers.

What were some of the responsibilities of people living in colonial Delaware?

Watering crops, sewing, and cooking.

How do people make a living in the savanna?

They grow crops horizontally so the rain can get to them, they build fences round their crops and their house so the wind doesn't get it.

What were the natural resources of the Southern Colonies and how did most people make a living?

They would Make a living by growing cash crops.