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Because people with autism cannot do things on their own very well without help. They can't help themselves with certain things. I know this for a fact because my younger brother has autism and can't do many things on his own very well.

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Because it is human nature. It's sad but true. Humans have a way of fearing anything different, and nowadays people put people who are different down so they have a sense of authority over their fears.

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7y ago

A few thoughts:

  • Not all people make fun of people with autism - just the jerks. They probably od the same for the blind, deaf, amputees and poor.
  • Autism is not single condition is is a wide spectrum condition. By asking the question it is supposed there is just one autistic status.
  • The definition of "fun" when applied to cruel, insulting and non-compassionate behaviour is a strange choice
  • Trying to be cruel to people indicates that the party initiating the cruelty has dee[ set feelings of inferiority and seeks to point out people that he feels are worse off them him to bolster his own ego
  • People with the "milder" expressions of autism such as Asperger's Syndrome s may be very intelligent and able to handle their daily life. These people may be successsful in science or business, famous or rich. These traits are envied by those who mock them.
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Autistic kids and teens do want friends, the idea that autistic people are anti-social is false. Autistic people often want friends but struggle to make and maintain friendships.

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Yes, Autistic people can 'make' a child just like anyone else.Autism is a neurological variation, it doesn't prevent someone from reproducing just like a person of any other neurology. Autistic people are more likely to have Autistic offspring, especially if both mother and father are Autistic, but can also have children of different neurologies.

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Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological condition, autistic people are born autistic - we do not know why people are autistic.

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A lot of Autistic people have severe sleeping problems. Autistic people tend to have lower levels of melatonin which is the chemical responsible for telling the body when to sleep, Autistic people can often get caught-up in what they're doing so lose track of time, Executive Dysfunction can make it hard to keep a bedtime routine, and Autism people often have problems 'turning off' their brain in order to sleep. Some autistic people have no problems, but most Autistic people will experience sleeping problems at least once during their lives.

Can a nornal child turn into autistic child?

Firstly, it's offensive for you to imply that autistic people are abnormal - autistic people are different to neurotypical people, not less than. A person is born autistic, it is not something that happens to 'normal' people or something that you turn into, you are always autistic.

How can you make autistic kids less autistic?

You can't - autism is an absolute, you are either autistic or you are not and there is no way that a person can become 'less autistic'. A person with autism can improve in areas such as commnuication, social skills, and functioning, this tends to happen naturally as autistic people get older and learn new skills, but it is helped by supporting and understanding the autistic person.

Are all autistic children saviants?

No, not all Autistic children are savants. Many Savants are Autistic, but most Autistic people are as normal as Neurotypical people with no particularly special talents.

Do all autistic people lack a sense of humor?

No, not all autistic people lack a sense of humour. There is a saying in the autism community: once you've met one autistic've met one autistic person. autistic people are as different and varied as neurotypical people.

How differently do they treat autism in America than England?

In short, very differently. In England we have the Autism Act which ensures all Autistic people have a pathway to diagnosis, although there's limited support for Autistic people government staff are supposed to be trained to understand Autistic people, Autistic people don't face healthcare discrimination like in the US where they may be expected to pay more for health insurance, and there are anti-discrimination laws in place. In England we tend to me a lot more accepting of Autistic people. In America there is a lot of scare tactics being used by people like Autism Speaks to make money out of families with Autistic children - Autistic parents are expected to spend thousands and allow their children to be tortured to make them 'normal'. Autistic people can face a lot more discrimination both in terms of employment and healthcare, and generally within society people consider Autistic people to be less than neurotypical people and there are stereotypes about Autistic people being mass shooters or otherwise violent. Often Autistic children are murdered by their parents and there is such a problem of ableism around Autism that people support the murders. I'm Autistic and live in the UK, but I will be moving to the US to live with my Autistic husband - the difference in attitudes between the two countries is as different as chalk and cheese.

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Employers do hire Autistic people, however normally when they do they don't realize that the person is Autistic. There is a lot of prejudice against Autistic people so even in areas where there are discrimination laws in place Autistic people often cannot find work, Autistic people normally have to hide their Autism from employers to avoid facing discrimination.

Why does your autistic child not answer to his name?

Your autistic child may not recognise their name as their name. Many autistic people are disconnected from how they are percieved by others, not all Autistic people accept the name given to them as representitive of them.