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I'm not sure I agree with this. Fiber is good for bowel regularity and intestinal health. Older people usually need to take care of their intestines as colon cancer is one of the leading killers of adults in the United States.

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Q: Why do people need less fiber as they get older?
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Who need more fiber babies or older people?

Older people need 31 grams a day. So it is older people.

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because they don't want ot get sick

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Why do you need a dose of fiber supplement daily?

Fiber is good for you. Most people don't get their daily dose of fiber so that's why people take it. Many people take a fiber pill or they just mix it in with water.

How much fiber do you need in your diet to lose weight?

Don't rely on fiber to lose weight. Just eat less and move more.

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Because people need food, fiber, and fuel.

What happens if you have less fiber than you need?

then you don't regularly go to the bathroom and that's a bad thing

Why do they sell depends?

As people get older, their bowels become less dependable, and they need to wear what are essentially, "diapers" in case they cannot make it to the bathroom in time.

What is a type of fiber that can be added to foods to benefit humans?

Nuts are a great source of fiber. Nuts are also an easy topping for foods when people need more fiber.

How much fiber do you need in a day to lose weight?

Fiber and weight lossare not related.To lose weight you need to eat less calories and/or burn more calories in exercise.Fiber just helps your body form "better" stools.

What do older people need everyday?

People that are older the more help that they might need. An elderly person could need help getting to and from appointments, cooking meals, cleaning and in some cases bathing.