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Q: Why do people need this website?
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Why did people make this website?

people made this website because people need other people to answer questions that they don't know the answer to.

Do people use this website?

The people Who know about it and need answers do.

What are the uses of a website?

The uses of a Wiki website is so you can get the answers you need by smart people.

What does website building mean in general?

To build a website you will need to add information to it that will interest people and something that makes your website stand out so that people will want to look at it and increase your website traffic.

Why do I have to enter a question on this website?

Because this is a website that answers questions for people who need them ---- You don't HAVE to. Only questions you have no idea what the answer is.

What is a website for PowerPoints free online?

please i need it come people help me out

How did become popular?

people need answers and that is why the founder of created this website.

Why is there a website called

For people that dont know a thing!And need peoples help...

How do you run a successful website?

In order to run a successful website what you are going to need is some good content and some good people who can do white Hat SEO for you, that's all you need.

How do you make you're own website well i really need to know?

Most people when they make a website they go to notepad or you could find "how to make a website from scratch" on google.

How can you get more people to look at your website?

There are two thing related to this. One is marketing. You need to promote your website or your business to people. The other thing is that your website should be attractive enough, at least from the first sight. So you need expert on business and marketing to do the first job. And professional web designer to do the second job.

Does need more answers in the Italy section?

yea because some people do reports on Italy and they need information from this website