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People say that women have a special intuition because in general, women seem to be more in touch with their feelings and emotions. Intuition is a myth.

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Q: Why do people say that women have a special intuition?
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How do you say intuition in French?

The same, intuition.

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You need to either correct your spelling or explain to me what 'intuition' in Mass means

What can you say when somebody dont like you?

Say: "I may not be special to you, but i am certainly special to many other people".

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well, they say the worlds most beautiful women lives in Stockholm, the capital of sweden. i would say that is true!

Why do people say you are special?

to make you feel good and unique

Does a woman's intuition tell her that a man is trying to ask her for a date?

This is all on the woman. If you feel someone wants to ask you out, they may or may not. Though..I shouldn't say it's all on the woman's intuition..because it could be the man too. Say, perhaps, he wants to ask you out BUT he's too afraid. Or maybe he thinks you'll say no. So basically, woman's intuition is always correct. It just might not turn out how expected. I hope everything happens the way you want it to though!

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Tapas are sides or starters that people in Spain eat.all of this true!!! but people say it is a special plate there!!!

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well, some people say its a name but people can make up alot of names but i'd say Doogie is a very special name for a boy.

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.....usually......women...keep quite...or just say...i m sorry...

Why do people say ouch mama?

It is just an expression. Ouch is an expression of pain. Some people say "mama" like an expletive or a meaningless word. They might mean that something is painful to look at. Some women like to judge the styles of other women and are likely to say such things.