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The Constitution protects us, so as long as political office holders protect the Constitution, we're OK.

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Q: Why do people take an oath to support the constitution?
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Why did people take an oath to support the Constitution instead of the country and president?

im not sure

What do the state and federal office holders have to do?

They take an oath to support the Constitution.

What created the requirement that elected officials take an oath to support the Constitution?

why not

Is the oath for president and vice president the same?

No, the President's Oath is written in the Constitution. The Vice President's Oath is the same oath that members of Congress take and was not written in the Constitution, but the Constitution does require that the VP be bound by an Oath.

Why is the actual oath of office different from the one in the constitution?

Most people who take this oath give their name after "I" at the beginning of the oath and add "so help me God" at the end.

Why would government officials need to take an oath?

Government officials need to take an oath because the Constitution says they must. The oath is a commitment by the person to the public.

Why did Sam Houston lose as Governor of Texas?

Because he refused to take an oath to the Confederate States of America.

Must someone elected to the presidency takes an oath before taking office?

Yes- the President must take the oath of office as required by the US Constitution.

A person cannot serve as a member of a state legislature or hold federal office unless he or she?

Article 6 of the Constitution states, " The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution:" In other words, all officials, whether local state or federal, must take an oath to support and defend the laws stated in the United States Constitution.

What oath must state and federal officials take?

State and federal officials, whether legislative, executive, or judicial, must take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. No religious test, either an avowal or a repudiation of any religious belief, shall ever be required of any public officeholder in the United States.

Do you think Every American should take this oath to support the Constitution?

You need to answer this question because we don't have the article and it's an essay assignment. We don't do homework or essays.

Is taking the Hippocratic oath a legal requirement?

No, it is not a legal requirement for doctors to take the Hippocratic Oath. However, most of the people do take the oath because it is a tradition. At least 87% of Americans take the oath.