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1) We hold the existence of God to be the greatest truth of all. What could be more worthy of our attention?

2) For some people, the existence of God is a matter of debate. As a potentially life-altering issue, they understandably seek to clarify the subject.

3) Others are intrigued by the topic, which gives them little rest. God has planted a degree of instinctive awareness of Him in all humans.

4) Those who already believe in Him seek to learn more, and to reiterate their traditions in order to bolster their belief.

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Q: Why do people talk about God?
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How do people talk to God?

Through prayer.

How does god talk to people?

dreamsvisionsthe biblethrough pastors................................

Why do people like talking?

because GOD gave them mouth to talk and they want to use it to talk

How do you pray for people who are badly confused?

Talk to God and ask for guidance.

Can teachers tell you not to talk about God in school?

NO Answer 2--> Many people are not interested in hearing about someone else's god. So there may be schools that tend to disuade talk of people's superstitous beliefs.

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Who do dying people talk to before death?

I think when a person is dying, they want to talk to anyone who can reassure them that their life was not for nothing...that they will be resurrected and that God forgives them and loves them. Talk to your family.

Is Jesus Christ the first person to talk to God?

no Adam and Eve were because they were the first people and god told them not to eat the apples in the garden.

Should people be racist?

NO!! People should treat everybody with the same respect, no matter what race. Ya and they should judge people by their personality, not by how they look!!!! plus god made them that way if you have a problem talk to god about it

Why do you have places of worship?

The purpose of a worship place is because so people can pray to god and be in an environment with people with the same believe and with the same religion. Another reason is that so they be in touch with there god (unless they are Buddhist as they do not believe in a god but just there leader) talk to god and show respect towards god.

Is God talk possible?

Prayer is a communication to God

Can a teacher tell a student he cannot talk about God?

No, a teacher can't tell you you can't talk about god.