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Just to note beforehand, this question is not a referendum on whether Islam is evil or not and that can be debated strongly elsewhere. This is a question asking why people believe or think that Islam is evil, i.e. what arguments do they put forward to defend the belief or thought that Islam is evil.

Answer 1

Some people think Islam is evil because they look at the actions of Islamic terrorists, restrictive governments in Islamic countries, and oppression of women in Islamic cultures, and they attribute these evils to the religion of Islam. Some people think Islam is evil because it is different, just as they might believe that an unfamiliar kind of music is evil. Some people think Islam is evil because they believe it is not true, and that believing untrue things about God, or about the afterlife, is dangerous because it leads you to live your life the wrong way.

Answer 2

Islam is not evil, it's what the media is portraying as an attack on Muslims. If every Muslim practices their Islam as been told, there won't be any problems what we have today. It's only some people Muslim and non-Muslim who do the wrong things but there is always a difference in the judgments. If it is a Muslim, he/she is a terrorist, but if he/she is a non-Muslim, there are just criminals or robbers or whatever their actions were. I don't need to prove this; it's all over the media. Pick up a newspaper and you'll know what I m talking about. And regarding the question about people thinking Islam is evil is because they don't know the religion itself, I recommend going to study the religion and THEN ask any questions. I would like to advise not to judge a person's religion by the person's actions. This applies to all religion; go to the source.

I also recommend the websites linked to below are they are the reliable ones. (reliable because some people have even created anti-Islamic websites which give totally wrong info about the religion).

Answer 3

It's not the media's fault that people think Islam is evil. it's the actions of a large number of Muslims who think it's "OK" to kill innocent people just because they don't like the way they live. Islam isn't an evil religion, however the extremists who claim to be Muslims and then go out and bomb subways don't give the religion a very good reputation. The media tell people the way that it is (for once) on this subject. The only way that the bad image of this religion can be changed is if the nutters blowing us up take a look around and realize that its the year 2009 and things are different now, especially in the west and that they can either deal with it or stay indoors.

Answer 4

-Mistranslations: Arabic words have many meaning's[a single word can have more than 30 meanings] which can lead people to misunderstanding the real meaning.

-Terrorists: Just so you know, Islam prohibits killing the innocent, the women, the elderly and the children. Even the trees get mercy.

The terrorists are wrong. Horribly wrong. And if you think Islam supports them you are misled. I am a Muslim and I say that they are wrong.

-Qur'anic Verse or Hadith: When many Qur'anic Verses or Hadiths (Sayings of Mohammed) such as those referenced in the discussion section are read in there plain, uninterpreted form, they may sound violent or controversial. In fact, some Islamic Scholars read them that way, but the majority view is to read the lines with much interpretation and deliberation that tends to remove the more negative aspects of these verses.

These are some of the reasons why some people falsely believe Islam is evil.

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many reasons make some people think that Islam is irrational although non of them are fair or justified reason. These reasons are mainly:

  • Media biased against Islam religion
  • Non Muslim religious leaders propagating false thoughts about Islam to block converts of non Muslims to Islam and to justify their own religious beliefs
  • the attitude of some Muslims, persuaded by otthers who are against Islam; to practice terrorist acts for some political reasons and not religious reasons.

Refer to questions below for more detailed relevant information.

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