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Usally because people have something on in their lives and want attention from others. They bully others, and by this, they make it to the popular group. This makes the bully feel good, and get all of his/her friends to bully someone. The bully gets over whelmed and gets stupid and tells him/her to commit suicide. There is so much preassure that the victim takes it seriously.

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Q: Why do people think it's okay to bully a victim and the victim commits suicide?
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What are the effects of bulling on victims?

the type of effect on a victim is committing suicide or becoming a bully them self or may crack and try to kill the bully later or now in life and yes if the victim commit suicide yes you can get arrested because bulling is against the law

Can a bully have a crush on their victim?

they may have a crush on their victim depending how the victim gets treated by the bully and how the bully treats others

What should you do if a bully tells a victim to commit suicide?

Contact and inform a responsible adult like a parent, teacher or the police without delay.

How is bullying a conflict?

That is when you bring both the bully and the victim together and hear out both sides. Then hopefully the mediator/arbiter can then get the bully to see what harm they cause and get them to quit. However, there is no guarantee that the bully will abide by whatever decisions were made.

How many people get physically bullied every year?

Well 1 in 7 students is either a bully or a bully victim so id say its about 365 to 2555 is a bully or a victim and it is more common to boys to get physical than girls

If a kid who is being bullied commits suicide should the bully pay a price?

He (or she) made a child kill himself! That most definitely earns a punishment. and if he has told the teachers, they should get punishment too for doing nothing about it.

Are people commiting suicide because they are different and people tease them?

People can commit suicide for various reasons: being bullied either at school or the workplace; being on street drugs or alcohol; the death of a loved one; loss of job; financial difficulties, etc. Teens are at a higher risk of suicide because of intense bullying and the bullies teasing them exhaust the victim and make them feel alone and terrified so the teen feels there is no way out, but suicide. GOOD NEWS! Teachers; parents; the police; programs started in some schools in the United States and Canada by many good students to protect victims from bullying is very proactive and New Jersey has the strictest laws again bullying. No more are people going to allow a handful of bullies to dominate and threaten their victims and the laws are changing very quickly no matter if the bully is a minor not. School is not forever and if a victim of bullying takes their own life then they have let the bully win! Once out of school the victim of bullying often becomes successful in life while the bully becomes nothing but an empty shell or a person or, in some cases the bully may feel some remorse when they get older.

What do bullies use to bully?

bullys bully use power they try to make there victim as scared as they can be so the bully is in power

What actions might the victim of bully take to protest him or herself?

it might hit the bully and get tired of the bully bullying him or her and they would get in trouble or turn into a bully whithout noticing.:(

Should yuou be a Bully?

No. no, no, never, no. Bullying is horrible. it damages the victim(s), AND the bully, too. there's nothing positive about it. if you want a "tough" image- and that's why u want to bully people- go learn to play the bass and buy a motorcycle. don't bully. ever.

What effects can bullying have on the victim?

You can lose your self-confidence- being a bully victim can lower your self esteem- just keep telling yourself/ the victim that you're stronger than the bully.You can be distracted- You may just be scared of the bully but always tell yourself/ the victim that you'll pass through this.You may feel like you don't want to be around anyone- this may be because you're distracted or you just can't keep your mind off the bully- just tell yourself/ the victim that the bully is just not worth spending your whole day thinking about or living in fear about.THE VICTIM IS ALWAYS STRONGER THAN THE BULLY.


The world is full of all different sorts of people some are bullies, it is never the fault of the person who is being bullied (the victim) it is ALWAYS the fault of the bully. To answer you with answers such as :- The person who is weak The person with a disability The person who is different etc Would be WRONG as it focuses on the victim making the victim to be At Fault. This is NOT the case the fault is ALWAYS that of the bully.