

Why do people think roller coasters are a waste of money?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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They are totally not a waste of money! They are awesome!

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Q: Why do people think roller coasters are a waste of money?
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mI am blind, and I absolutely love all the roller coasters at Cedar Point. In fact, I think blind people can get even more of a thrill out of roller coasters because the sight aspect is almost, if not entirely, eliminated so they experience and perceive the ride differently than those with sight.

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Personally i don't think roller coasters are a waste of money because for most people they are a lot of fun and create an adrenalin kick ! Yes, they do cost a lot of money to make but if you think about it the theme park gets back the money that they payed for the coaster because they are attracting more tourists to go on the Ride. So no i don't think they are a waste of money... Hope this helped Xx :)

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No, I don't think so

Why do you think roller coaster are enjoyable for people?

People enjoy roller coasters because the adrenaline that you get is amazing and although it's nervewrecking because of the adrenaline rush you have makes you want to do it over and over again XD x

What is the height of a roller coster?

A roller coaster? I think you need to be a little more specific. Roller Coasters can range from a few feet off the ground to almost 500

Are roller coasters too dangerous?

Actually, barley. FACT: Roller coasters are safer than crossing the street. Think about it ? How many news reports do you hear about people being hit by cars? @ the most once a month (way more). How many news reports do you hear about people dying, falling off, or being hurt on roller coasters? none I'VE heard ever. See the difference? So a fact is roller coasters are very safe.

Is there a theme park in Mississippi?

NO there is only water parks... Water slides and pools only no roller coasters or rides... there is one on the coast that has one wooden roller coaster but i think it is in Alabama!

Are roller coasters fun?

yeah they're fun! some people think they aren't fun because they're scary but being scared is part of the fun! you should go on one and see for yourself.

Is Millennium scary at Cedar Point?

Ummm. It is not that scary if you enjoy roller coasters. the first time it might be nerv racking but i think it is one of the best rides there.

How do you survive roller coasters at a older age?

close ur eyes and think off somthing else or a normal person would just enjoy it and scream hb

What do you think of Roller coaster Tycoon 3?

I think that roller coaster 3 is a really fun game. You can create many roller coasters and save your parks and play it again. I would chose the platinum one with the wild and swimming. There are tutorials so i would look at those too. I would buy it and play the saved games. Thanks :)

What kind of roller coasters should someone pregnant stay away from?

I think the general advice is to stay away from all. There are usually warning signs outside the station advising you not to.