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Q: Why do people want snails as pets?
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Can snail be cept as pets?

Snails can be kept as pets.

Can you catch snails and keep them as pets?


Are snails mean at times?

of course not silly! snails are gentle and friendly. they are harmless and make very good pets

Do snails like bananas?

Depending upon the species of tree/shrub the branches came from, they will either climb up on them or they won't. As to if they LIKE them or not who can tell? Snails can't really communicate their preferences very well.

Why did the Chinese people want bactrian camels?

they are pets

Are giant african snails allowed in britain?

In Britain you are allowed to keep Giant African Snails as pets however it is illegal to release the snails or their eggs into the wild as they are considered pests.

What are snails good for?

fun to race they also make great pets, feed them lettuce and paper good plant killers (dont know if u want that tho)

Do snails eat tomato?

Yes. Snails eat any fruit or vegetables that are NOT acidic. Source: I have 6 snails in captivity as pets

Why people want pets?

I belive you question is why DO people want pets, because if they dont have a kid or family they need a friend familey kid or without everyone needs a friend..

What do land snails as pets like to live in?

i have snails and i just use a bucket and feed them a couple leaves of lettuce and any fruit such as grapes.

What is the difference between giant African snails and garden snails?

Giant African Land Snails (or GALS) get much, much bigger. Garden snails are legal to have in the USA but it is illegal to keep GALS in the USA. GALS serves as a major crop problem but most all Snails (if not all snails) make great pets!

Why do people not have pets?

People don't have pets becauseThey make messThey are expensive to keepPeople don't have time to exercise their petsPeople don't want petsAllergies