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because they want to

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Q: Why do people wear green lens glasses?
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Can a green beret wear glasses?

Now this is a vauge question. Green Berets can wear sunglasses, Yes. If you are talking about glasses to improve eyesight then the answer is Yes and No. If youre vision is 20/20 with glasses then yes you can wear them but only if you are willing to get them dirty!

Is it possible for evil people to wear glasses?

all people are the same evil people can ovisly wear glasses

What percent of people wear glasses in Canada?

About 96 millions people wear glasses in the whole world About 1.6 percent!!!

Why does the eyes become smaller when you wear glasses?

This happens when you wear a concave lens for curing short sight. If you wear convex lens in case of long sight, then eyes would look bigger than the original. Both are so dominant if the power is high. If we wear low power glasses then no such considerable change in the size of the eyes.

Why do people who were glasses have circles under the eyes?

People wear glasses because they are either longsighted or shortsighted. People who wear glasses may have circles under the eyes because it is the imprint of the glasses.

Does Matthew Gray Gubler wear glasses?

Occasionally. He perfers contact lens over eye glasses, but at one point he had an allergic reaction to the contact solution and had to start wearing glasses.

Dose Justin Bieber like people that wear glasses?

does Justin bieber like people that wear glasses no he dosent

How do you rid of glass?

Some people who need vision assistance opt to wear contacts instead of eye glasses. To get rid of corrective lens altogether, Lasik eye surgery is an option for some people.

Some that starts with a g to wear?

People wear glasses. People wear gloves. People wear golf shoes.

What percentage of Americans wear contact lesnses or glasses?

All the nerds, geeks and ugly people where glasses. With a few exceptions about 20% of the people who wear glasses are not ugly or disgusting

When glasses break how and what materials do they use to fix them?

do you mean glasses to wear or glasses to drink from? With glasses to wear, the lens falls out. they use a special kind of glue and some wire to stick it back into place, and then screw it in. With drinking glasses, they are VERY hard to repair, but I guess glue and a lot of time and patience would do the trick

If there are 200 people in a room and 80 wear glasses what fraction of the students wear glasses?

Two fifths...(assuming all the people are students)