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They may be a little hoarse (horse)

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Viva Bashirian

Lvl 10
2y ago
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29D Vu

Lvl 2
1y ago

They may be feeling sick

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Lvl 1
4y ago

They are always feeling a little shse

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Q: Why do people who rub down ponies have throat problems?
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What food goes down your throat easy if you have strep throat?

I've been eating cool watermelons and ice pops without any problems.

What did pit ponies do down the mine?

Pit ponies were lowered down into coal mines to help haul the coal. By the mid 20th century, the ponies were replaced by mechanical devices.

Why do people who rub down ponies often have soar throats?

They might be a little horse.(hoarse) well you get it.

What breed of horse was used down the pits?

Shetland ponies.

How does water get down your throat?

When you swallow, the back of your tongue pushes the food or liquid into your throat. This triggers a reflex that closes off your windpipe and opens the tube that leads to your stomach, allowing the water to pass down your throat through contractions of the esophagus muscles.

How does food get from the mouth to the throat?

your tongue pushes it down your throat

What are problems with forests?

The fact that people are cutting them down.

Why can't you swallow down the right side of my throat?

you need to reword your question you said "Why cant YOU swallow down the right side of MY throat? well no one can swallow down YOUR throat.

How do you deal with itchy throat?

Stick your finger down your throat and itch it.

What problems do people face concerning their health?

Problems people face are: Cancer, Diabetes, Down syndrome, Mental breakdown, etc

What kinds of snakes can eat people?

Mostly boas and anacondas. They can swallow people whole by shoving them down their throat. That's technically how they eat.

Can people just throw up but it doesnt come up and it goes back down your throat?

Only if you close your mouth and swallow it goes back down