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Q: Why do people with antibodies in their blood unable to give blood to other people?
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What is a good name for AB blood?

AB blood has both A and B antigens on the cells and therefore if it had any anti-A or anti-B antibodies they would cause the blood to clott and so it has neither. This means that any type of blood can be given to this person, as they will not recognise any antigens on the blood as foreign because they don't have and antibodies. On the other hand they can only give blood to other people of ht ethe type AB. Type A blood has a antigens but not b antigens so it can have anti-b antibodies and b ype blood i the reverse. O type blood has no antigens and therfore both types of antibodies. So all three other types of blood have antibodies that will recognise one or both of the antibodies and cause clotting. For this reason AB type is nicknamed the "universal receiver", meaning they can take from anyone.

Why blood group o should not receive blood from other groups?

Blood group O has both a and b antibodies, therefore receiving blood from blood group A, the A-antigens will agglutinate with the b-antibodies of the person with blood group O. Receiving blood from blood group B will also cause agglutination of its b-antigens and the blood group O's a-antibodies.

Individuals with type ab are blood recipient can you tell why?

1-Type A ... which has antibodies : B ... and Antigene : A2-Type B ... which has antibodies : A ... and Antigen : B3-Type AB . which has No antibodies ... and has Antigen : A and B4-Type O .. which has antibodies : A and B ... and has No Antigensfrom this information's, you can notice that AB blood type doesn't have Antibodies that's why it accept all types during blood transfusion, when there is no antibodies this means that the body will not consider the other blood types as foreigners.

Why must blood be match be for trasfusion?

Because if the antibodies in the blood don't match they will destroy each other.

Can o negative only take blood from o negative?

Yes, O- persons should only receive blood from O- donors. This is because people with Type O blood have antibodies circulating against both A and B red blood cell antigens and Rh- people have antibodies circulating against Rh factors. Therefore, an O- person will have antibodies against all other blood proteins and cannot receive those proteins in a blood transfusion without risking severe and immediate life-threatening medical complications.

What is in blood other than the cells?

The plasma (liquid part), free antibodies, etc.

Can white people use black people blood?

The color of the skin has nothing to do with blood typing. Just ask your local blood bank, they'll tell you that blood is blood! The only considerations are the health of the donor and the type of blood (A,B, O, AB) and the antibodies present. These are independent of race, religion, sex, status or other consideration.

Can black people use white people blood?

The color of the skin has nothing to do with blood typing. Just ask your local blood bank, they'll tell you that blood is blood! The only considerations are the health of the donor and the type of blood (A,B, O, AB) and the antibodies present. These are independent of race, religion, sex, status or other consideration.

What is the antibody of the antigen AB?

Type AB blood doed not contain any antibodies. I does have Antigens A and B.

Is antibodies the same as white blood cells?

No, not even close. White blood cells are cells that circulate in your blood and lymph. B-cells are a type of white blood cell that start producing antibodies when they are shown what the antibody is needed for. For example, if your body has a bacterial infection, other cells 'pick up' debris from these bacterial cells, and 'show' these debris pieces to the B-cells. These B-cells then transform into 'plasma cells', which start producing antibodies specific for that particular bacteria. Antibodies basically 'stick' to any of that same bacteria that they find around your body, acting as a flag, so that your other immune cells can find it and attack it.

Why blood type O can donate it blood to other BLOOD TYPE?

Because blood type O doesn't have any kind of Antibodies so it can be given to all types of blood.

What is blood in a mixture?

Blood contain a high numbers of components as proteins, antibodies, salt, other ions, oxygen, hemoglobin, cells, etc.