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Q: Why do periwinkles have a slanting shell?
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What animals have symbiotic relations with periwinkle snails?

Periwinkles will out grow their shells, another creature will then take that shell and the periwinkle will take another old shell. This is an example of symbiosis. :)

What eat periwinkles?

people eat periwinkles and animals when there hungry

Do periwinkles eat seaweed?

Periwinkles eat microscopic algae and plankton.

How can periwinkles survive in extreme cold?

Periwinkles survive in extreme colds because they are part of the evergreen family.

Do periwinkles live in groups or alone?

Periwinkles live in groups, just like mussels, to retain moisture.

Can you eat periwinkles?


Where do periwinkles live?

atlantic ocean

What do periwinkles do?

humans aliens bugs

Are blue periwinkles stuck on rocks?

Blue periwinkles a stuck onto rocks by a string of dried mucas which acts like a glue.

What is semantic slanting?

semantic slanting: trying to hurt one cause to help another.

What are characteristics of a mollusc's?

Molluscs are animals which have no backbone (invertebrates) and no exoskeleton. These include snails (they have an outer shell but it isn't an exoskeleton) slugs (no shell, no exoskeleton, no bones) octopuses (they have no bones. They aren't fish because all fish have bones.) Sea snails and periwinkles are just other types of snail.

What are slanting lines?

Slanting lines are lines that are straight but lean in another direction.