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Diets high in cholesterol and/or saturated fats cause the fatty deposits to enter the blood stream these deposits are known as plaqe. The plaqe then forms a lining of blood vessels, blocking the flow of blood to the tissues. This could ultimately lead to numerous things such as a heart attack, stroke, possibly leading to paralysis and loss of bodily functions

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Q: Why do physicians recommend that people not eat diets rich in cholesterol or saturated fats?
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Do avocadoes have cholesterol?

No cholestrol however some saturated fat (like 2 grams) and some (more than saturated fat) unsaturated fas.Avocadoes are known to help people trying to lower cholesterol due to their fat content and little to none cholesterol. Enjoy :)

What advice would you give if some people need to cut down their intake of saturated fats and cholesterol?

Lift fatty.

What effect does increasing levels of saturated fat have on cholesterol levels?

Eating foods that are high in saturated fat can raise cholesterol levels in the blood. Most people in the UK eat too much saturated fat. Foods high in saturated fat include: * meat pies * sausages and fatty cuts of meat * butter * ghee * lard * cream * hard cheese * cakes and biscuits * foods containing coconut or palm oil

Does coconut have cholesterol?

Research has shown that it has a positive effect on cholesterol. In one case study, for example, blood cholesterol levels of HDL (good) cholesterol increased by 46.2percent.*The researchers indicated that liver cholesterol levels were reduced by 26.3percent and risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) decreased by 41.1 percent. Their conclusion was that coconut water is a natural, nutritious drink that could help prevent the formation of atherosclerosis.

What conditions can be worsened by cholesterol-reducing drugs?

Cholesterol-reducing drugs may make some medical problems worse. Before using these drugs, people with any of these medical conditions should make sure their physicians are aware of their conditions:

Which is better saturated or unsaturated fats?

Saturated fat contributes to heart disease and obesity. Eating too much saturated fat can clog your artieries and can cause weight gain. You should always eat food that has either no or a low amount of saturated fat. Unsaturated fats are made up of Polyunsaturated fats and Mono unsaturated. Polyunsaturated and Mono-unsaturated are beneficial to the health and help lower cholesterol, not raise it. Saturated fat sticks to the arteries and causes high blood pressure. It raises HDL cholesterol which is the bad cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats contain fats such as Omega 3, 6 and 9 which are needed by the cells in the body to help absorb nutrients and to help keep cells fluid. The brain needs these good fats. They help transport fat soluble vitamins. They help lower cholesterol.

Does Italian sausage have cholesterol?

It is made out of meat and will therefore have some cholesterol. However you should know/note that if you eat a diet which as absolutely NO cholesterol in it, your body will MAKE cholesterol. People with a cholesterol problem have this problem, not because they may EAT a bit of cholesterol but because their body MAKES too much cholesterol.

What percent of cholesterol in your body comes from diet?

Cholesterol comes from two sources: your body and food. In most people, the body – predominantly the liver – makes about 75 percent of blood cholesterol. The other 25 percent comes from diet. Of course, if your diet includes a great deal of dietary cholesterol or saturated and trans-fats, that balance would shift.

What are some questions about what people eat because they have like height Cholesterol?

If a person has high cholesterol it is worth assessing whether their diet contains many foods that are high in cholesterol and/or saturated fats. (i.e fatty cuts of meat, butter, chocolate, fried foods etc...) Serum cholesterol levels can be reduced by eating a healthier diet, however dietary intake of cholesterol only accounts for 1/3 of the level of cholesterol in the blood. The rest the body produces by itself.

How do you get high cholesterol?

While some people are genetically pre-disposed to high cholesterol, most people develop high cholesterol by consuming foods that are high in saturated fats and "bad cholesterols." These bad cholesterol foods are mostly fatty animal products -- various cuts of beef, pork and lamb, as well as egg yolks or chicken skin. Animal products like fish are high in unsaturated fats which provide "good" cholesterols. To lower your cholesterol, lower your intake of high-cholesterol, saturated fat animal products and foods. <a href="">See High Cholesterol Patient Guide</a> for more information.

How do Hospitals and physicians differ?

A hospital is a building and physicians are people.

Is liver high in cholesterol?

There's about 400 mg of cholesterol in 4 ounces of beef liver. The AHA Dietary Guidelines recommend a daily intake of less than 300 mg of cholesterol per day for the general population.