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Pigeons see people as predators.

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Q: Why do pigeons not move away from cars?
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Related questions

How does a pigeon move?

pigeons are funny birds they move in a normal way [by flapping their wings] they move their head while walking and that is why pigeons are funny.

How do you run pigeons away?

Shoot them

Why do pigeons pick away at the mortar between bricks on buildings?

the lime in this material becomes part of the pigeons eggs

Will hanging a dead pigeon in a tree get rid of the rest of the flock?

I would think not. I live in the city, and pigeons get hit by cars and trains all the time. That doesn't keep the other ones away.

Are pigeons dirty?

They are dirtier than other birds so better stay away from pigeons because they carry germs.

Do Snowy Owls keep pigeons away?

Yes, but these two rarely come into contact. Pigeons will avoid any raptor.

Is there a way to keep hawks away?

Peregrine Falcons are the most threat for your pigeons. It's up to your pigeons to master the defense against them.

How do you keep pigeons away?

There are different ways in which you can keep pigeons away. Some methods include a sound deterrent and a decoy.

What is the solution to the pigeon's nuisance what is the solution to keep them away without shooting them?

Scarecrows and the like won't work, pigeons aren't the smartest animals alive but they aren't dumb enough to think that something that never moves or react to its presence is ultimately a threat. The solution could be in how pigeons keep other pigeons away. By smells, sounds or something. If pigeons are territorial, you could use that.

Where did carrier pigeons originate?

Carrier pigeons were birds used to carry messages before the invention of modern communication devices, beginning as early as the 15th century. Some species of pigeons will instinctively fly back to their homes even if released far away, hence the name "homing pigeons" which are still used as "racing pigeons."

How do cars move without gas?

make it electric cars

Where are all of the baby pigeons?

Pigeons tend to make nests on the ledges above windows on very tall buildings. They also make nests in cracks and holes in roofs. You don't usually see the nests as they are hidden away. The pigeons don't leave the nests until they are almost fully grown, so it is hard to distingush them from adult pigeons.