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Their Baby's Drain It. Why Would You Drink Oigs Milk Anyway ?

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Q: Why do pigs produce less milk than cows?
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Is milk bad for your guniea pigs?

Cows milk is. Not their mothers milk is not. Cows milk will make their tummy upset. Give them water to drink.

Can guinea pigs drink cows milk?

no, guinea pigs should not have dairy.

How do the pig gain the rights to the cows milk animal farm?

The pigs gain the rights to the cows milk by first making all the other animals leave the barn. Then the pigs simply take the milk.

What did squealer say to explain why the pigs needed the milk in the book animal farm?

The other animals allowed the pigs to have the rights to the cows milk because they were the smartest and therefore, deserved the cows milk more than any of the other animals. Or at least that is what the pigs convinced them to think.

What is the Netherlands imports?

-cheese -milk -chocolate -pigs -cows -soup -dry foods -cloths -beer and sometimes exports horses (Frisians).

Who was taking the milk in Animal Farm?

The pigs were secretly stealing the milk. After having learned how to milk the cows themselves, they frequently mixed the milk into each of their meals.

Does 10 percent of pigs grow in cows?

No. Pigs come from pigs, not cows.

What did they sell in the market during the middle ages?

Bread, cows, pigs, horses, milk, vegetables, fruit

What do the caboclo tribe eat?

they eat sugar cane, milk and beef from cows, also pork from pigs

What do the animals do with the farm house and why do you think they do this?

Cows and nanny goats produce milk. Chickens produce eggs. Pigs and steer are slaughtered for their meat. On a small farm, horses are used to pull the plow so the farmer can sow the seeds to grow fruits and vegetables.

What farm animals are raised in Poland?

Cows, pigs, chicken, turkeys, various fish.Animals BRED for food include cows, pigs, hens - these three, I think, are the most popular as far as meat goes, but for milk and milk products include also goats and sheep.

Is there any pork product in butter?

Butter consists of milkfat, sometimes with salt added to it. Milk comes from cows, not pigs.