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Q: Why do plant and animal cells need nucleolus?
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Does an animal need a nucleolus to live?

A nucleolus lives in plant cells. Even if an animal in a carnivore, say a lion, will eventually eat an animal that has once eaten plants and consumed a plant cell. For example, if a lion eats a rabbit, the rabbit has at least at one time eaten leaves, or carrots. Which contain nucleolus. So, YES!

Why do animal cells need plant cells?

animal cells can't make their own food, plant cells can so animal cells need to eat plant cells

Do all cells need nucleolus?

Not all cells need a nucleolus. For example, bacterial cells do not have a nucleolus. A nucleolus is a dense body within the nucleus which is where ribosomes are formed. As viral cells do not create ribosomes, they do not need a nucleolus either...

What organelles do plant cells have that animal cells don?

Plant cells have certain specialized organelles that animal cells do not need. These organelles are the cell wall and chloroplasts.

Why don't animal cells have vacoules?

no only plant cells. animal cells don't have a need for the extra water

Do plant cells need to carry respiration and explain?

Yes. But not like animal cells. plants need co and co2 animal cells need o or o2

Why dont animal cells need cellwalls unlike plant cells?

because cell walls of the plant cells makes the plant stands straight

Why do plant cell have chloroplast and animals do not?

Plants cells have chloroplasts because they need it for a process called photosynthesis. But both plant and animal cells have mitochondria. Animal cells can use the mitochondria to get energy that why they need chloroplast.

What cell has vacuoles?

Plant cells have vacuoles. And only plant cells, animal cells have no need for them and if they do have them, they are very, very small.

Why don't animal cells have a lysosome in them?

Animal cells have lysosomes because they need it. Plant cells don't. Lysosomes break down food in the cell. Plant cells make sugar, which doesn't need to be broken down. Hope you find this helpfull ;-)

Why does a plant cell have a cell wall and chlorophyll and an animal cell doesn't?

Its because the plant needs to be stable because it would be really floppy, and the animal cell does not because it can move around the animal and it does not need to be stablised. Animal cells do not have chlorophyll because they don't need it. Plant cells need them because they take in sunlight and turn it into a sugar that is used for food for energy. Animal cells do not get their energy from the sun directly, they get it from oxygen. Animal cells do not photosythesise, which is what chlorophyll is for.

What characteristics does an animal cell have that a plant cell does not have?

An animal cell actually has less things than plant cells. Plant cells have cell walls used to hold the cells up and keep them sturdy while animal cells do not because it would make animals too stiff to move. Plant cells have the cell walls because they need to stand up and don't need to move.