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To attract pollinators, which are basically the insects and animals that suck their nectar or eat their flowers so that the seeds may be spread and reproduced.

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Q: Why do plants often make brightly colored or sweat -smelling flowers?
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Why are some flowers and fruits brightly coloured?

Flowers are brightly colored to attract other insects and animals. This is a mode of pollination through agents like insects and animals. When the insects come in contact of the flower, the pollen grains stick to their feet and are transferred to another plant.

The male structure of the flower?

Flowers are the plant's reproductive structures. Angiosperms are types of plants that bear fruits and flowers. Flowers are usually both male and female, and are brightly colored to attract insects to help them carry pollen used for sexual reproduction. Not all flowers are colorful, though. These flowers usually use the wind for pollination. By alex

Why is it that some plants have brightly colored flowers and other do not?

to attract bugs to land on it. After landing on the flower pollen will stick to the bugs feet, so then when the bug lands on another flower, it will pollinate it. That is one way of how flowers reproduce sexually.

Why are wind pollinated flowers not usually brightly colored?

Wind-pollinated plants do not need colorful flowers as they are not pollinated by animals, insects or birds. Since wind-pollinated plants do not need colorful flowers, they might as well put their energy into making their pollen lighter, or more of it.

Why is cross pollination has a bright colour?

A flower Is the means by which a plant reproduces. Some flowers contain both male and female organs. Some plants have separate female plants and male plants. The reason the flowers are often brightly colored or fragrant is that they need to attract insects, birds and bats to pollinate them. Pollen sticks on the pollinator's body and then is moved to the female organs of the plant. Different flowers have different colors to stand out from other plants. Some pollinators see different colors better than others. Plants that open at night have light colors to attract night insects and bats.

Related questions

Why are most flower brightly colored?

To attract birds and bees to help in the plants pollination.

Do bees see in colors?

Of course - that's why so many plants have evolved brightly colored flowers! These attract the bees and other pollinating animals.

Do bees see color?

Of course - that's why so many plants have evolved brightly colored flowers! These attract the bees and other pollinating animals.

Why are some flowers and fruits brightly coloured?

Flowers are brightly colored to attract other insects and animals. This is a mode of pollination through agents like insects and animals. When the insects come in contact of the flower, the pollen grains stick to their feet and are transferred to another plant.

Which insect starts with a h is brightly colored and eats crops?

An insect that starts with an "H," is brightly colored, and eats crops is a hornet. They are usually bright yellow and black and eat many kinds of plants and insects.

The male structure of the flower?

Flowers are the plant's reproductive structures. Angiosperms are types of plants that bear fruits and flowers. Flowers are usually both male and female, and are brightly colored to attract insects to help them carry pollen used for sexual reproduction. Not all flowers are colorful, though. These flowers usually use the wind for pollination. By alex

Why do deciduous plants produce brightly colored nectar filled flowers?

There's only one purpose for a brightly colored flower, especially one with sweet nectar inside of it. Certainly the wind doesn't care what a plant's flowers look like, so that's not it. Could it be to attract an animal that may come and eat the nectar? The animal would then get pollen all over its face and carry that pollen to other flowers, thus helping the plant to reproduce.

Are all flowers colorful?

Some plants do not have flowers. Nearly all the plants you see around you are flowering plants: trees, bushes, vines, grasses and the "weeds". The flowers may not be big and showy, but they are there if you look for them. When flowering plants spread all over the world, about a hundred million years ago, they pushed aside the ferns and mosses and cone-bearing trees that had covered the planet for many millions of years. Of course, those plants are still here but they no longer have the planet to themselves as they did before the development of the super-successful flowering plants.

Why is it that some plants have brightly colored flowers and other do not?

to attract bugs to land on it. After landing on the flower pollen will stick to the bugs feet, so then when the bug lands on another flower, it will pollinate it. That is one way of how flowers reproduce sexually.

Why can't you always identify plants from their flowers?

because there is only a short period of time when the plant is in flower and some plants produce different colored flowers

What types art does Indonesia have?

Indonesia has beautiful colored plants the mostly have flowers and trees.

Which brightly colored plant is associated with Christmas?

Poinsettias are red plants that are associated with Christmas. Holly has bright red berries and is associated with Christmas.